I saw the van pull abruptly
to the curb
Across from the church,
where I stood at the side door,
Keys in hand
“You want to fuck with me?”
he roared, leaping
From the driver’s side, door
ajar, as his wife likewise did
He raced her to the
passenger side, “I’ll fuck you up,
Just like I did your
brother!” And reaching inside he beat
The boy in the backseat,
while his wife flailed her arms,
And swallowed her screams
We heard as one, that other
day, the screams
That transcended five brick
stories, up the echoing shaft
The shock and keening pain,
the horror of a mother and
A father, as they beheld
The battered body of their
A young man, who crawled, as
a lark, through the ceiling
Hatch to the top of the
freight elevator, to take a ride
And went missing for a
And there were others.
My mother’s wail, beating
the car window
While I stood in the front
yard, where I’d just told
My stepdad, that Grandpa had
died, and she heard
And they left, seconds after
they had arrived
And I stood with my sister
and brother, and probably
Did not cry
But now
It’s just the children in
adjacent yards
And their games.
I hear, and tell myself
They are not being beaten
They are not in despair
They are not dying
It is drama only, they play
at suffering
Practicing, though they
mustn’t know,
For what awaits them.
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