Friday, December 5, 2008

Yellow cake

You hate yellow cake.
Yielding and meek.

you could level a man twice my weight,
you like to say,
and I want to watch.
you are twice me.
angry all the time and sad, all the time
and loving, loudly loving, all the time.
reported aggressive, flagrant, persistent:
your martial arts.

You've never raised your voice to me.
In all the years
and only once have told me to shut. up.
(Some kind of record.)
I know you've been
a punching bag, more than once.
And a cushion, in your largeness, for the weight
of men, and you've had better sex than I
by far, I fear.

But never yellow cake. Never mild,
though your hair and skin would argue.

You're yellow as a steamshovel,
a loudmouthedbitch and
pushy blonde,
with creamy icing skin and
round blue candy eyes.

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